ESG Policy

Our Environmental, Social & Governance policy is a key part of our business strategy.

What ESG means to us

The ethical and practical values that make up the different parts of ESG have always been at the heart of what we as a company stand for. With the growth of ESG and the increased awareness of these factors among our key stakeholders, we have a better opportunity to tell the story of how our business makes a positive impact in the world.

As a business, we also have a duty to our people, our customers, and the wider world. ESG gives us an opportunity to bring those impacts together. We value investing in our people as we value protecting our environment and being a good corporate citizen.

Fostering openness, sustainability, and respect are our key objectives. We value everyone and strive to work as one team. Our view on ESG is that it is a continuous process of aligning our operations and controls with our values as a company.

How we encourage each other to take responsibility

We all have a role to play in reducing carbon emissions and getting to net zero.
While as a business we are setting organisation-level targets, consider the choices you make and the
environmental impact. For instance:

When travelling, are there more environmentally friendly options to take?

Can some meetings be done remotely instead of travelling?

Think before you print
Does the office have recycling and energy saving measures?

Building a diverse and inclusive workforce where everyone feels valued is everyone’s

Understanding your role in bringing people together is critical to our success as a
business. From hiring the best talent to encouraging all staff to thrive, we want a workplace where
people proactively work to be the best. You can help by:

Challenging and reporting discriminatory or offensive behaviour.

Understanding diversity and inclusion policies.

Being an active ally for groups often underrepresented.

Leading by example in your work.

Good governance goes beyond having the right policies and procedures in place. It’s about embedding compliance in your day-to-day work. From completing training on time to
actively understanding how regulations affect your work, good governance starts from the individual
acting ethically. Take governance to heart by:

Be a compliance champion in your team.

Refer to policies and procedures instead of shortcuts.

Be aware of red flags for compliance failures and risks in your area of work.

Don’t be afraid to call out poor behaviour or report failures.