Colocation Hosting

Our UK data centers in Hamilton, Livingston, Manchester, Leeds, Reading, and Farnborough are strategically selected for superior network connectivity and power availability, backed by a 100% uptime SLA.

What is colocation
hosting ?

Colocation hosting refers to the practice of renting space, power, and network connectivity within a managed data centre facility. With colocation, businesses retain ownership and control over their physical servers and equipment, and the colocation provider manages the infrastructure, such as power, cooling and security. Colocation hosting can bring many benefits to business that require high levels of uptime, security and connectivity for their IT infrastructure and applications 

Hybrid Solutions

Seamless User Experience

Scalable Hosting

The benefits of Asanti colocation hosting

Explore the details in the table to understand how our Colocation Hosting can meet and exceed your expectations in these critical areas.

Businesses maintain full control over their hardware and software, allowing them to create hybrid hosting solutions

Colocation facilities offer robust physical security measures, redundant power supplies, cooling systems, and high-speed network connections

Businesses can easily scale their infrastructure by adding or removing servers as required

Colocation offers long-term cost savings compared to maintaining an in-house data centre or in the public cloud

Colocation data centres

Our UK data centre locations –  Hamilton, Livingston, Manchester, Leeds, Reading and Farnborough – have been strategically chosen based on excellent network connectivity and power availability to allow us to provide our clients with a 100% uptime SLA. 

Our flexible approach to technology and commercial solutions mean that our data centres provide the ideal hosting environment for everything from high density compute applications, such as artificial intelligence, to edge computing for Smart Cities and IoT, where localised data processing can help optimise application performance. 

Our substantial investment in resilient infrastructure, including redundant power supplies, climate control, and advanced connectivity technology, lays the foundation for minimizing downtime and all our colocation data centres operate in accordance with the Uptime Institute’s Tier 3 Operational Standard and are powered by 100% renewable energy. 

Partner with us, and allow your business to thrive with the unwavering assurance that comes from our colocation data centre solutions. 

Advantages of colocation vs public cloud

The main advantage of colocation hosting over public cloud hosting is the cost saving. Public cloud-based solutions allow you to provision servers quickly and at scale for a relatively low cost. However, as your data and user base grow, the costs of cloud servers can quickly escalate.  

If you are using AI based applications, where real time decision making can be localised, such as the technology used within smart cities, then regional edge facilities can also be a major advantage in terms of reduced latency.  

Colocation hosting provides businesses with physical control over their infrastructure within a secure data centre facility. Private, public, and hybrid cloud hosting, on the other hand, offer varying degrees of scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency by leveraging shared resources and virtualized environments. Organizations should carefully consider their specific needs, security requirements, and cost constraints to determine the most suitable hosting solution. 

By understanding the differences between colocation and various types of cloud hosting, businesses can make informed decisions and align their hosting strategy with their overall IT objectives. 

By understanding the differences between colocation and various types of cloud hosting, businesses can make informed decisions and align their hosting strategy with their overall IT objectives. 

With colocation, businesses have complete control over their hardware, software and configurations. This level of control can be important for businesses with specific security, regulatory, or performance requirements.​

Colocation hosting typically offers predictable, monthly costs for space, power, and bandwidth, making it easier for businesses to budget for their IT infrastructure.​

Colocation allows businesses to customise their hardware and network configurations to meet specific performance requirements, which can be beneficial for applications with high computational demands.

Security and Compliance – Colocation facilities often provide high levels of physical security and can help businesses meet compliance requirements by offering features such s biometric access controls and video surveillance.

Colocation data centers typically offer high-speed, redundant connectivity options, allowing businesses to easily connect to a variety of network and internet service providers.

Get in touch with us to discuss your hosting needs

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