Public Cloud: Does the reality live up to the hype?

Since 2013, the UK public sector has taken a ‘Cloud First’ approach, a policy of defaulting to public cloud for new and existing IT applications. Many private sector organisations have followed suit, seeing the hyper-scalers’ cloud offerings (AWS, Microsoft, Google, and others) as the future of IT.

Has this decade-long rush to Public Cloud paid off?

In this whitepaper, we explore:

The common challenges experienced by organisations in moving to public cloud

How the operating costs compare to original projections

What organisations would do differently, if given the chance to start over again

How we created this whitepaper

Our research was conducted with research company Vanson Bourne in July 2024. The cohort was made up of 100 respondents, of whom 37 were Board member/C-level, and 63 were Senior Management.  They came from the public sector, including healthcare, and private financial and professional services. All respondents worked for organisations with over 250 employees and £25m in annual revenue.

Of those, 49% hosted their entire IT infrastructure in the public cloud, and 51% used a hybrid approach with public cloud playing a key role. Those with no or minimal public cloud were excluded to ensure the research reflected the views of those with direct experience of the public cloud. All respondents had been using the public cloud for at least six months, with 95% using it for over a year, and three quarters for more than three years.

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